
  • We support professionals who develop children’s communication skills

  • A speech and language therapy (SaLT) service to supplement existing SaLT provision in your school

    You can expect improvements in pupils’ speaking, listening, learning and behaviour

  • High quality professional supervision and mentoring

    For SaLTs, SENDCos & other education professionals who work in schools

Based in Winchester, we provide remote and face to face services for primary schools, early years settings and speech and language therapists (SaLTs) working in schools

If you are a leader in education or a SaLT, we can build on your existing ability to meet the needs of children who have speech, language, and communication difficulties.

Speech and language therapy to supplement existing provision in your school

Early Talk Boost - training and support for your practitioners

Professional supervision and specialist mentoring - online or in person

Parents of children with speech, language and communication difficulties

If you are seeking support for a child, click the link below.

Did you know?

'Helping develop children's communication skills'